To:Nikolaus Zmeskall von Domanovecz
Vienna, Summer, 1809

Anderson v1 pg240 - letter #222


My Dear Z[meskall],

        Please let me have immediately a written statement testifying that you and I had arranged to pay 250 gulden for three rooms and the anteroom, which the servant can occupy.  Just imagine, our worthy lawyer without being asked to do so is having the room at the back cleared out for me too and is now asking me to pay 350 gulden – If he is still not satisfied with the original sum, then you must be kind enough to come along with me tomorrow and talk to him – The fellow is a rogue –

      NB.  He took the deposit at once, and to that you can testify as well, i.e. 20 gulden, that is to say, the advance payment on 250 gulden –